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Largemouth Bass Tournament

Must Register and pay in Tournament Registration tab for entry! Limiting to 25 anglers, this Largemouth Bass tournament is a way to compare fisheries and fisherman. Spring Green Tackle will provide the same lure to all 25 anglers by the end of September. The lure provided is what must be used to fish this tournament. if the provided lure is lost, you are no longer in the tournament. You will have the month of October (1st-31st) to catch, and register what you feel is the largest Largemouth Bass possible to win (registration form below).


  • Pictures must be submitted through the Spring Green Tackle FISH REGISTRATION page on .

  • Must be registered and pay for tournament through the Tournament Registration tab on

  • This is a U.S.A only tournament.

  • Length picture of fish taken with bass’ mouth closed, and tail pinched, while being measured.

  • Girth picture taken by wrapping around bass’ belly with measuring tape.

  • All pictures must have lure used visible.

  • All pictures must have date fishing visible (example-written on paper).


Longest Bass- Custom Spring Green Tackle Rod $400 value

Second longest Bass- Spring Green Tackle Shirt and Hat

Images are reviewed by the Spring Green Tackle team, and disqualifications of fish will occur if the rules are not followed. If pictures are up for review the Spring Green Tackle team will use their best judgement to be fair and not influenced during image review. All pictures must be entered using the form below. multiple fish may be entered per angler. but 1 form is required per fish. Pictures submitted before or after the deadline will not be considered. If multiple fish are submitted within 1/8” of the same length, the largest girth shall be used to determine the winner.

Images may be used for promotion of the Spring Green Tackle page.

All decisions are final and subject to Spring Green Tackle’s sole discretion.

The shipping charge that is applied covers the lure you must use being shipped to you.